For support please checkout CACTUSTHEME SUPPORT FORUM
Always remember to download the latest version from your ThemeForest account. The Installable Wordpress Themes is just the installable Wordpress theme files. The Main Files includes these following files and folders:
Before starting, there are some notes worth checking:
Follow these steps to import sample data:
Felis supplies multiple sidebars so you may put your content to many positions.
This shortcode is used to format text.
[felis_typo size="" weight="" style="" spacing="" color="" padding="" margin="" alignment="" line_height="" border="" border_width="" html_tag="" font_family=""] CONTENT [/felis_typo]
PARAMETERS::Mobile_alignment – select: Text alignment on mobile screen.
Color style – Select: Style color of text.
This shortcode is used to create a block to contain other non-block elements.
SCREENSHOT:[felis_block alignment= "" color_mask=""]
PARAMETERS::This shortcode is used to create image with hover effect option and alignment.
[felis_image image="" image_size="" image_link="" hover_style="" image_alignment="" id=""]
PARAMETERS::[felis_iconboxes item_style= "" items_per_row= ""] [felis_iconbox title="" title_color="" content_color="" icon= "" icon_color_style="" icon_single_color="" icon_gradient_from="" icon_gradient_to="" main_color="" main_single_color="" main_gradient_from="" main_garident_to="" box_url="" item_aos="" item_aos_delay="" item_aos_offset=""] Content of icon box [/felis_iconbox] [/felis_iconboxes]
PARAMETERS:[felis_info_box box_style="" title="" subtitle="" image="" content_align="" padding_bottom=""]
PARAMETERS:[felis_content_slider][felis_content_slide title="" subtitle="" image="" bg_image="" slide_url=""]Content[/felis_content_slide][/felis_content_slider]
PARAMETERS:[felis_content_slider_2 items_per_row item_rows="" bullets="" bullets_align="" orderby="" order="" autoplay="" count="" cats="" posts=""]
PARAMETERS:Data Source - Select type of data source
[felis_content_grid orderby="" order="" count="" cats="" posts=""]
PARAMETERS:Data Source- Select Type of Data source
[felis_testimonials item_style="" autoplay=""] [felis_testimonial avatar="" name="" title=""] Quote content [/felis_testimonial] [/felis_testimonials]
PARAMETERS:[felis_woo_product_slider layout="" count="" items_per_row="" autoplay="" orderby="" order="" product_cat="" product=""]
[felis_woo_category_slider count="" items_per_row="" autoplay=""]
Felis Post- widgets
Choose how to query posts:
Choose order of posts:
Please follow these steps to create your pages:
There are several settings to configure for any page:
Please follow these steps to create a new post:
Business-Hub theme supports Standard, Audio and Video Post Format. Each post format has several layout options
Used Assets
The list might not be complete by accident. Authors who think you owe a license in this theme, please contact us at [email protected]
If you face problems with the installation or customization of our product please do not hesitate to contact us via our support ticket system: